Our vineyard venture started when
we were stuck with a problem…
We had a steep southwest-facing bank covered in bracken & gorse. The ground was harsh and unforgiving, proving unproductive for agriculture. What were we to do with this land?
Upon having some site tests carried out on this land, we discovered it was classed as ‘marginal’. This meant it had little potential for profit, having poor soil and other undesirable characteristics.
This is when it dawned on us, why not experiment with growing vines?
“In 2014 we planted 1200 vines of two separate varieties. Solaris, used for making white wines and Cabernet Cortis, a dark-skinned grape variety. This number has since grown since then, with now well over 2200 vines flourishing across the once barren land”
But our new venture didn’t come without hard work. We encountered significant problems with slugs and rabbits after a weekend away causing us to replace approximately 20% of our crop, but learning from the mistakes we prevailed, improving our practices to protect our vineyard.
After a steep learning curve, in 2017 we produced our first crop. Extremely pleased with our results we continued planting and expanded the vineyard.
“After improving our processes and having a firm understanding to produce grape crops, the next year, in 2018 we created our First successful commercial crop of red, white and rosé.
Local history groups have reported that in AD 48, five years after their conquest of Britain, Romans supposedly grew their own vineyards in the same area of Mid-Wales. These same Romans grew Grape solaris, Cabarnet cortis and Pinot Noir. We’re continuing their Legacy”
‘Blue Moon’ takes inspiration from our lives, encompassing the story of our wines and our heritage.
The Blue Moon, is a rare and special event only appearing every few years which we believe we capture in every single bottle.
We wanted to emphasise our Radnorshire culture, depicting our love of this magical and beautiful county by giving it great significance on our bottles. We’re proud to be a part of Radnorshire, our home.
The cat silhouette conveys one of our cats (Dylan & Seren) looking into the Blue Moon. It’s a subtle nod to all the beautiful animals we share our lives with. Alongside our cats, we also have Sheepdogs (Joe & Bella), chickens and our horse, Kyla.